I would like to see more young people engaged, so that more resources were used for better future of our municipality. I believe that collectively we can do much more, than individually.
The main reason why I joined the group is to ensure youth's engagement in developing process of Akhalkalaki municipality. Particularly, to make them interested to become more active and interact with relevant groups so that their views, goals and needs were taken into consideration in decision making process.
Teona Zurabashvili
Information Center on NATO and EU representative in Samtskhe-Javakheti teona.zurabashvili@yahoo.com
To me, it is important to change our mentality and more adult and women in particular get involved in the different activities. Women have their own place in Business. It is an immense responsibility to be a chairwoman of Local Action Group (LAG), but I believe that we are capable of implementing interesting projects together for Akhalkalaki Development.
It is essential to plan various activities for the youth. I, as a member of this group, support ecological, cultural and sport activities.
At some point, every member is a leader in his job and I believe that we can all contribute to development of Akhalkalaki. I am a chairman of “Akhalkalaki Potato” and I would like to make this sector more successful and exemplary.
I want Akhalkalaki to become a touristic zone and I want many tourists to visit. This will create employment opportunities and development of tourism will also promote infrastructural development.
I am a teacher and would support any initiative that is related to our youth’s educational or sport activities, social projects and improving quality of life in rural areas.
It is important to engage women in different activities as well as to promote ecological projects and development of gym infrastructure.
Shoghik Raisian
We need to develop certain technologies in order to develop agriculture. We need to empower private sector to enable them use various technologies for certain crops.
It is important to increase awareness about environmental issues in school and university students. Fieldtrips to protected areas should be planned and arranged. Javakheti has a huge potential of developing eco-tourism, thus, I would support any project to develop tourism
Making our youth more active in sports, providing them with camps and other activities is crucial.
Development of Akhalkalaki is very important for our future generations. I want youth to come back to Akhalkalaki and find employment here. Improving quality of life here is one of the most important tasks for me.
I would like to involve as many women as possible and to accept many initiatives and ideas from women. My voice and ideas will help our team make effective decisions for our municipality.
Young people tend to abandon their home villages. I support any initiative to create educational and sport activities for them, so they have more motivation to stay.
I am a teacher as well as farmer. Developing agricultural projects will eventually promote creating gyms for the youth as well as agriculture in general and tourism.
It is important for developing a municipality to develop private sector as this will create employment opportunities. Also, we should support women’s active engagement.
Developing tourism is extremely important for this region. However, this does not mean that we should reject various social projects. I would especially appreciate to create more opportunities for youth as well as for women.
Mekirtich Mgdesyan
I am a teacher as well as farmer. Developing agricultural projects will eventually promote creating gyms for the youth as well as agriculture in general and tourism.
We need to implement usage of alternative energy sources. Besides, we should provide more information for our general public to promote development of tourism, more specifically, guest houses
Enok Babajanyan
It is crucial to engage the youth in various sport events. I would like to plan educational and fun camps and sport events for our youth.
Valera Stelmashev
Head of education, culture, sport, youth, tourism development and gender policy services javakh@yandex.com
My family members, traditionally, are beekeepers. I want to produce the highest quality honey that is in compliance with every standard of food safety. It is important to give youth motivation to engage in this sector. My goal is to make Akhalkalaki honey the brand on Georgian market.
I think that we should have more initiatives when it comes to education field. Education is what guarantees advancement. It is also important to promote tourism and ecology.
I have been a doctor since 1972. I would like to improve conditions of medical points, equip them with proper inventory, open bacterial-chemical and infection divisions, so our population does not have to travel to other towns or practice self-treatment.
Agriculture is a leading field in this region. For this reason, it is important to have an innovative approach and bring new equipment, so we can all create wealth for our country.
Despite my active involvement in agriculture, in this group, my goal is to open a gym for our youth, moreover to create more activities for them in wintertime, so they will want to stay here and use their resources to develop their municipality.
Increasing awareness about ecology issues and waste management is extremely important within our society. My presence in the development group serves this very purpose.
For us, it is important to organize and support all ideas related to cultural events In addition, I will be actively involved to implement various of social projects.
Agriculture is a leading sector in Akhalkalaki. Therefore, I consider that implementing agricultural projects will be crucial thing to do.
Developing private sector is important for the region. I will support and promote every single proposal about producing food that fulfills food safety requirements.
First of all, we shall support awareness campaigns for pupils in order to raise their awareness about Heritage Sites and Museums of Javakheti.